Laser Retinopexy

What is laser retinopexy?

Laser retinpexy is when laser is used to create strong points of attachment of retina to the back of the eye.

What is laser retinopexy used for?

Laser retinpexy is most often used to treat retinal tears, retinal holes, or lattice degeneration

How does laser retinopexy work?

To perform laser retinopexy in the office, first the pupil will be dilated by dilating eye drops. The patient will be sitting at the laser machine or lying on a reclining chair. Using special lenses, the ophthalmologist will apply laser to create rows of small burn scars around the retinal tear, retinal hole, or lattice degeneration. This creates a firmly sealed barrier around those defects. The purpose of the procedure is to prevent the fluid of the eye from passing beyond that barrier and, therefore, to prevent retinal detachment. 

What are some side effects and risks of laser retinopexy?

  • During the procedure the patient may feel a sharp pain or a dull soreness. The eye may remain sore for about a day after the procedure. However, most patients tolerate the procedure well.
  • The laser light is quite intense and can cause blurred vision for a short time following the procedure. 
  • Rarely a scar membrane can form over the center of the retina in years after the procedure.
  • Accidental laser to the center of the retina 
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