Click here to find out the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s view on chalazion and stye.
What is a chalazion or a stye?
A stye is an infection of the follicle of eyelashes or an infection of the oil glands of the eyelid (see pictures below). A Chalazion is a bump on the eyelid due to the blockage of the oil glands of the eyelid. Chalazion and stye both look like a bump on the eyelid and can be difficult to tell apart but stye is generally more painful.
How is a chalazion or a stye treated?
Not every bump on the eyelid is a stye or a chalazion. It is important that an ophthalmologist examine you to rule out other potentially sight- or life-threatening conditions such as cellulitis or tumors.
When a stye or a chalazion is diagnosed, it is usually recommended to apply warm compress and massage for a few weeks. Your ophthalmologist may recommend injection of steroid into the lesion to reduce the swelling. If the chalazion or stye persists despite those treatment, your ophthalmologist may offer to drain it in the office under local anesthesia. The surgery takes a few minutes and is usually very effective in removing the chalazion or stye.